
A one-of-a-kind soul experience.

SoulCodes are a unique spiritual process that focuses on harmonizing and tuning the true power of the mighty chakras to unlock the journey of the Inner Child. Crafted under the guidance of Philip’s spiritual mentors, Isaac and Red Feather, these Codes possess the profound ability to transcend past wounds and foster healing. Tailored to address a diverse range of issues like trauma, health obstacles, and personal struggles, each Code is intricately designed to offer an empowering path towards self-discovery, growth, holistic well-being, and experiencing the wonders of the Universe.

We have witnessed the profound impact of these carefully curated sequences, as they have helped countless individuals significantly evolve, and even alleviate a variety of debilitating ailments, emotions, and afflictions. Our clients have experienced reprieve from long-term COVID, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, and other health concerns by discovering and acknowledging their Inner Child. In a matter of weeks, the SoulCode journey will change your life and free you from the ugliness of your past. 

Welcome to your new spiritual journey. Let us begin our path to healing. 

How a SoulCode™ session works

Isaac and Philip will begin by speaking with you to understand how you are feeling. Isaac will assess your chakras to determine which one(s) are off, misaligned, or simply unbalanced. He will then access your path, and point out what you are struggling with and what is needed to get you back on track. At the end of your session you will receive “homework” to complete prior to a follow-up appointment.

Each person is unique.

You may have physical and emotional reactions.

During the process of doing your Code, you may encounter a range of physical sensations. These could manifest as gentle tingling sensations or even mild headaches, indicating that the body is responding to the healing energies being activated. You may also become aware of heightened feelings in the specific area you are focusing on while performing your Codes. For instance, if you are working on healing a past injury, you may experience a tingling or warmth in that particular part of your body.

While some individuals may find themselves shedding tears as deeply buried emotions begin to surface and release, others may be overwhelmed by a profound sense of joy or contentment. Others may feel nothing at all! All of this is normal. It is important to acknowledge and embrace these varied experiences because everyone's path through pain and trauma is deeply personal and unique to them.

Book your SoulCodes™.

Use the booking tool to schedule an appointment.

To learn more about our offerings, click here.

A Note About Booking SoulCode™ Sessions:

SoulCodes™ are booked in packages of 3 or 5 sessions.

How booking works:

  1. Purchase a bundle of SoulCode™ sessions. You can purchase either a 3 pack or a 5 pack.

  2. In your package purchase confirmation email, you will receive a link to book your sessions. You can book all of your sessions at once!

    NOTE: Sessions are most effective when booked exactly one week apart. If you are unable to find your desired times, please contact the office for assistance.

  3. Sessions are held via Zoom unless otherwise specified. Please contact the office if you’d like to use another platform such as FaceTime or Skype.

“I am very thankful for the help that Philip and Isaac gave me. For 20 years, I have been struggling with a health issue that comes and goes and causes a lot of pain. But thanks to the Code they gave me, the problem has stopped and the pain has gone away. I am so happy with the results and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Working with Philip and Isaac and using these Codes has been a blessing. They have not only helped with my physical problems but they have also made my life better in many ways. I am so grateful for their help, advice, and the positive impact they have had on my well-being.”

P K | United States